
Oxford English Dictionary

Oxford English Dictionary /2nd Edition /v4.0 (Windows & Mac)
Oxford English Dictionary /2nd Edition /v4.0 (Windows & Mac) | 645 MB

The Oxford English Dictionary is the internationally recognized authority on the English Language, defining more than 500,000 words and tracing their usage through 2.5 million quotations from a wide range of literary and other sources. The text on the CD-ROM comprises the full text of the OED 2nd Edition, plus the three Additions volumes, as well as 7,000 new entries from the OED's continuing research.

Existing functionality retained from earlier versions includes:
· Installation to the hard drive, so the CD is not required during use of the Dictionary
· Options to customize the entry display and show or hide pronunciations, spellings, etymology, and quotation text
· Flexible full text search options, with search filters and an option to rank entries and search results alphabetically or by date

New to this version:
· Now compatible for Mac users as well as PC users
· Flash-base
· Smoother and faster performance providing instantaneous search results
· New word-wheel which supports incremental letter-by-letter browsing
· 7,000 new words and meanings

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